
Published October 4, 2021 . 7 mins read

Sync it Up! How Subcontractors Can Supercharge their Procore Data in ProNovos

pronovos procore integration

A new syncing feature in ProNovos unleashes big benefits for construction subcontractors that rely on project-management data from Procore. After their portion of a job is complete, for example, subcontractors can now keep their synced Procore data for later analysis in a ProNovos dashboard

Access to such historical data can give subs a huge advantage when they’re bidding for jobs and want to “show their work” using hard numbers on successful projects.

Best of Both Worlds

The cloud-based ProNovos platform has a proven track record of saving subcontractors time and money through easy data integrations. Procore is a leading provider of construction management software.

Seamlessly syncing the two systems supercharges subcontractors’ ability to work with drawings, submittals, RFIs, logs and other project data.

When you’re a sub, your inbox tends to quickly fill with requests to review RFIs, drawings, submittals and other Procore documents related to your scope of work. Now you can sync these updates in ProNovos to keep track of which ones have been reviewed.

For subcontractors, never missing an update means never missing an opportunity to proactively notify GCs about potential impacts.

Saving on Labor

Submittals and RFIs created in Procore will be pulled into ProNovos. Submittals and RFIs created in ProNovos can quickly be uploaded to Procore, with no double-entry required. Both versions of the submittal or RFI can be linked together, so as an update is made in Procore, the corresponding fields in ProNovos automatically update. This ensures the two versions are always in sync and there are no inconsistencies between the two records.

Such inconsistencies, if not spotted and corrected in time, can lead to costly rework and other adverse consequences. Syncing records in Procore/ProNovos now gives you a single version of the truth.

Additional benefits include:

  • Eliminating duplicate data entry in Microsoft Excel and other apps. Many subs first enter information into Procore, but then enter it a second time into apps such as Microsoft Excel. Syncing integrates such data into ProNovos and eliminates that time-consuming, expensive (in the form of extra labor hours for manual data-entry), and error-prone second step.
  • Streamlining relevant project data. Now you can pull and interact with only the project data that is directly relevant to your scope of work. (A subcontractor working only in the building lobby doesn’t need to know the status of the third-floor bathroom.)
  • Better Collaboration with GCs. Many subcontractors routinely work with multiple GCs that are Procore users. Now you can work from one ProNovos interface and manage multiple projects among these different stakeholders.

Easy Onboarding

Implementation is simple. You download the ProNovos app, create a ProNovos account, scan a QR code, enter a few pieces of information, and choose what you’d like to sync. You can customize data access based on the role of individual employees.

Once basic Procore project data is integrated into ProNovos, users can start taking advantage of the ProNovos platform’s most frequently used tools and Analytics.