
Published July 17, 2024 .

From Analysis to Action: Improving Your WIP Report with Industry Insights

Join a panelist of industry professionals including Bob Biehl, CPA, Director of Construction Industry Services, GBQ Partners; Margie Morris, CCIFP, Partner, Guignard Company; Gerardo Perez, Senior Vice President Relationship Manager, First Bank; and Bruce Orr, CEO & Chief Data Scientist, ProNovos where they will show you how they each analyze the WIP report from their surety, banking, CPA, and data science roles in this presentation.

During this webinar, you will learn:

  • The red flags that industry partners such as banks, CPAs, and surety companies look for in your WIP reports.
  • The criteria industry partners use to evaluate WIP reports for loan approvals, bonding, and compliance purposes.
  • Tips to improve your report and strengthen your relationships with industry partners.

Take advantage of this opportunity to gain insights into how these industry partners use your WIP report to make important decisions regarding your business. Schedule a time to speak with a solutions advisor to learn more about ProNovos.